Le programme de formation en psychologie du sport est un cours de 12 semaines qui couvre les principes fondamentaux de la psychologie du sport, les techniques de coaching psychologique, la préparation mentale, la psychologie d’équipe, l’évaluation et l’intervention. Les participants acquièrent des compétences pratiques pour améliorer les performances et le bien-être des athlètes dans un contexte sportif.
1.1. Comprendre la psychologie du sport et son importance
1.2. Les bases de la psychologie du sport : motivation, concentration, confiance en soi
1.3. Discussion et réflexion sur les problèmes psychologiques courants chez les athlètes
Semaine 1 : Introduction à la psychologie du sport
Semaine 2 : Techniques d'entraînement psychologique - Partie 1
2.1. Techniques de communication efficaces dans le domaine du sport
2.2. Renforcement positif et retour d'information constructif
2.3. Préparation mentale et visualisation
2.4. Techniques de gestion du stress et de l'anxiété
Semaine 3 : Techniques de coaching psychologique - Partie 2
Semaine 4 : Psychologie d'équipe - Partie 1
3.1. Techniques de fixation des objectifs
3.2. Encourager l'autonomie et la responsabilité des athlètes
3.3. Gestion de l'échec et résilience
3.4. Importance du repos et de la récupération
Semaine 5 : Psychologie d'équipe - Partie 2
Semaine 6 : Évaluation et intervention - Partie 1
4.1. Dynamique de groupe et rôles au sein d'une équipe
4.2. Leadership et influence
4.3. Gestion des conflits et résolution de problèmes
4.4. Favoriser un environnement d'équipe positif et inclusif
Semaine 7 : Évaluation et intervention - Partie 2
Semaine 8 : Ethique dans le coaching psychologique sportif
5.1. Évaluation des problèmes psychologiques chez les athlètes
5.2. Intervention en cas de problèmes de santé mentale
5.3. Orientation vers des professionnels de la santé mentale, le cas échéant
5.4. Surveillance et soutien continus
Semaine 9 : La santé mentale dans le sport
Semaine 10 : Développement du leadership et de l'autonomie chez les athlètes
6.1. Mettre en pratique les techniques apprises
6.2. Auto-évaluation et rétroaction des pairs
6.3. Évaluation finale
Semaine 11 : Application pratique et études de cas
Semaine 12 : Évaluation finale et réflexion
The Sports Psychology Training Program is a 12-week course that covers the fundamentals of sports psychology, psychological coaching techniques, mental preparation, team psychology, assessment, and intervention. Participants will gain practical skills to enhance athletes’ performance and well-being in a sports context.
1.1. Understanding the psychology of sport and its importance
1.2. The basics of sports psychology: motivation, concentration, self-confidence
1.3. Discussion and reflection on common psychological problems among athletes
Week 1: Introduction to sports psychology
Week 2: Psychological Coaching Techniques - Part 1
Monday: Effective communication techniques in sports
Tuesday: Positive reinforcement and constructive feedback
Wednesday: Mental preparation and visualization
Thursday: Stress and anxiety management techniques
Friday: Putting into practice the techniques learned and self-evaluation
2.1. Effective communication techniques in sports
2.2. Positive reinforcement and constructive feedback
2.3. Mental preparation and visualization
2.4. Stress and anxiety management techniques
Week 3: Psychological Coaching Techniques - Part 2
Monday: Goal-setting techniques
Tuesday: Encouraging autonomy and responsibility in athletes
Wednesday: Failure management and resilience
Thursday: Importance of rest and recovery
Friday: Putting into practice the techniques learned and self-evaluation
Week 4: Team Psychology - Part 1
3.1. Goal setting techniques
3.2. Encouraging autonomy and responsibility in athletes
3.3. Failure management and resilience
3.4. Importance of rest and recovery
Week 5: Team Psychology - Part 2
Monday: Review of team psychology techniques
Tuesday: Case study: team problems and solutions
Wednesday: Planning a team intervention
Thursday: Putting into practice the techniques learned and self-evaluation
Friday: Feedback and reflection on team psychology techniques
Week 6: Assessment and Intervention - Part 1
Monday: Assessment of psychological problems in athletes
Tuesday: Intervention in case of mental health problems
Wednesday: Referral to mental health professionals, if applicable
Thursday: Follow-up and continuous support
Friday: Putting into practice the techniques learned and self-evaluation
4.1. Group dynamics and roles within a team
4.2. Leadership and influence
4.3. Conflict management and problem solving
4.4. Foster a positive and inclusive team environment
Week 7: Assessment and Intervention - Part 2
Monday: Review of assessment and intervention techniques
Tuesday: Case study: psychological problems and solutions
Wednesday: Planning an individual intervention
Thursday: Putting into practice the techniques learned and self-evaluation
Friday: Feedback and reflection on evaluation and intervention techniques
Week 8: Ethics in sports psychological coaching
Monday: Introduction to ethics in sports psychology
Tuesday: Respect for the confidentiality and autonomy of the athlete
Wednesday: Managing conflicts of interest and maintaining professional boundaries
Thursday: Promoting the well-being of the athlete beyond sports performance
Friday: Discussion and reflection on ethical scenarios
5.1. Assessment of psychological problems in athletes
5.2. Intervention in case of mental health problems
5.3. Referral to mental health professionals, if applicable
5.4. Ongoing monitoring and support
Week 9: Mental health in sport
Monday: Introduction to mental health in sport
Tuesday: Recognizing the signs of mental distress in athletes
Wednesday: How to approach conversations about mental health
Thursday: When and how to refer an athlete to a mental health professional
Friday: Putting into practice the techniques learned and self-evaluation
Week 10: Development of leadership and autonomy in athletes
Monday: Importance of leadership and autonomy in sport
Tuesday: Strategies to encourage leadership in athletes
Wednesday: Strategies to encourage autonomy in athletes
Thursday: Case study: leadership and autonomy development
Friday: Putting into practice the techniques learned and self-evaluation
6.1. Putting into practice the techniques learned
6.2. Self-assessment and peer feedback
6.3. Final evaluation
Week 11: Practical application and case studies
Monday: Review of the key concepts of the course
Tuesday: Case study: solving psychological problems in sports
Wednesday: Preparation of the final presentation: psychological intervention plan for a team or an athlete
Thursday: Group work and revisions
Friday: Presentation of intervention plans and feedback from peers
Week 12: Final evaluation and Reflection
Monday: Preparation for the final evaluation
Tuesday: Final evaluation
Wednesday: Feedback on the final evaluation
Thursday: Reflection on learning and the future application of the acquired skills
Friday: Closing of the course, course evaluations and award ceremony
Rejoignez-nous pour acquérir de nouvelles compétences et atteindre vos objectifs !
+212 641-505162
Groupe Attakadoum Gh 2/17 2nd Floor Sidi Bernoussi - Casablanca, Morocco
Join Us to Acquire New Skills and Achieve Your Goals!
+212 641-505162
Groupe Attakadoum Gh 2/17 2nd Floor Sidi Bernoussi - Casablanca, Morocco